The sunshine of His prosperity has just burst through the sky of my limitations. I am God’s child. What He has, I have.” ~Swami (Paramhansa) Yogananda, East-West Magazine, 1932 … [Read more...] about Affirmation for Prosperity by Paramhansa Yogananda
Daily Meditations & Affirmations to Tune into Christ Consciousness
The vibrations of an avatar are particularly strong during the anniversary of his birth on earth. So let us use these daily meditations and affirmations to help us tune into Christ Consciousness during this Christmas season. Daily Affirmations Teach me to find Thy presence on the altar of my constant Peace, and the joy that springs from deep meditation. Bless me … [Read more...] about Daily Meditations & Affirmations to Tune into Christ Consciousness
Daily Affirmations for Radiant Health & Vitality
Good health is much more than not being ill! It is a radiant state of inner well-being. It is a state of boundless energy which comes when every cell in the body cooperates with the mind willingly, joyfully, in all that it seeks to do. Such radiant well-being comes after the mind has been cleared of every shadow of unwillingness, of fear, and of doubt. Affirmations can … [Read more...] about Daily Affirmations for Radiant Health & Vitality
Daily Spiritual Affirmations
Affirmations work directly on the subconscious mind to change the thoughts that don’t serve you into ones that do. Spiritual affirmations are one of our most powerful tools for healing our body, mind, heart, and spirit. You can use these 31 inspiring affirmations to spiritualize every aspect of your daily life. Daily Affirmations This day shall be the best day … [Read more...] about Daily Spiritual Affirmations
Daily Affirmations for Healthy Body and Soul
A healthy body is a great aid to progress on the spiritual path. Affirmations work directly on the subconscious mind to change the thoughts that don’t serve you into ones that do. They are one of our most powerful tools for healing the body, mind, heart, and spirit. You can use these 31 daily affirmations as a focus to understand and strengthen your health—both of body … [Read more...] about Daily Affirmations for Healthy Body and Soul